Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Why are you afraid of me? Is it because I have sharp edges? Is it because I am too much to handle? or is it because you cannot picture me in colors and I am unpredictable, tameless and unbridled?

Or maybe you think I am tough enough that I cannot be pleased with the tiniest of things and the simplest of joys.

It is rather sad that you only see me in all of the facade and the bruises I try hard to keep, and when things get too comfortable or uncomfortable it is easier to say you've had enough because I am just too much to handle.

Funny how you have managed to lay your expectations and decide that it is my fault when they are not met.

You think you fall short not simply because you just do but because I am too much to handle.

You saw me in all of my frailties and vulnerabilities and still find me hard, cold as a rock.

You cannot picture me sweet because you already have a version of me in your mind and in your heart you would rather have me that way because that is how you have come to know me and it is easier that way.

I will not defend myself nor will I explain how or why I have come to be.

One thing is for sure, if I cease to be then I cease to be me.

A cupcake may look as sweet but that is not always the truth.

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